Hypnosis for Self Esteem and Confidence

Hypnosis for self-esteem - does it work? Many people feel they are just not "good enough" due to low self-esteem, which is painful for them. Because of the pain, they avoid people and new challenges, which only causes them to feel worse.
But, there are steps that they can take, including hypnosis to boost self-confidence and self-esteem, that will help them start saying that they really are "good enough" to say "yes" to life - and joy.
Signs you might have low self-esteem:
You might have low self-esteem if: Read more »
10 Ways To Build Confidence

People need confidence for success. And, people find that they can exponentially boost their confidence and so, their successes, by taking some simple steps:
1) Accomplish something towards your goals every day. Those daily steps will lead to monthly - and yearly - goals attained, which in turn, feeds your confidence since you will then know that you can attain the goals you want.
2) Break down the large goals into manageable bites, and keep track of your progress so you can see for yourself what you can accomplish and where your tasks are taking you.
3) Live by your value system so you can be proud of your accomplishments. Read more »
Tony Robbins explains what anyone can do every day, month, and year to be more successful

People can radically change their lives - if they pay Tony Robbins, one of the premier life coaches, $1 million/year. Or - they could pay thousands for his seminars. But, for free, anyone can start following Tony Robbin’s yearly/monthly/daily steps for success right now.
Tony Robbins steps towards success: Read more »
How to Build Self-Confidence

What is the difference between someone who attains their dreams versus those that just don’t seem to be able to get what they want in life? Self-confidence.
For, you need the self-confidence to trust yourself when you hit the challenges of building your dreams. And, the good news is that you can attain self-confidence if you take the right steps:
1) Relax and laugh at your anomalies, but don’t doubt your decisions.
2) Accept that “whatever happens”, you will be okay.
3) Write a list of everything you do well (even the “little” things) and focus on these strengths.
4) Stop doing your own “self-hypnosis” by imagining the worse. Instead, use self-hypnosis to imagine how you will feel when you are moving through life confidently, with focus. Read more »
When do people learn they are unworthy?

In this big beautiful world, there are many who feel unworthy. We aren't born feeling unworthy - when do people start feeling unworthy? For some, it is due to devasting family circumstances. Others are told by friends, lovers, and families that they are not worthwhile.
However, everyone does the most amazing thing in the world - as a baby! People go from not knowing how to move their body at all to crawling, walking, running, jumping and climbing! When people have THIS aptitude, they have the ability to do anything.
Key Takeaways:
Tony Robbins breaks down the 10-minute exercise he does every morning to have more energy.

Tony Robbins, one of the most successful life coaches, spends every single day doing a 10-minute exercise which he calls "priming". For, as Tony says,"Whenever you want to make a change or improve something, the first place you want to prove it is in your mental, emotional state."
The 10 minute priming routine: Read more »
The Best Path to Long-Term Change Is Slow, Simple and Boring

Yes, we have seen the "make big money fast from your home" and "lose 10 pounds in a week" articles, and we are all tempted by them. However - why would someone slave away at writing books if they know how to be rich without writing books? And, why would there be even one person overweight if it was so easy?
Because, bottom line, you can succeed - but through slow, simple and yes, boring steps.
Highlights Read more »
8 Amazing Things That Happen When You Follow Your Dreams

What can people expect when they give up their day by day “just living” and really follow their dreams? As it turns out, you get confidence, energy, and new, encouraging, motivating friends - which sets up a continuing cycle of success.
Highlights Read more »
10 Ways You Can Become a Better You Than You Were Yesterday

Most everyone wants to change something in their life. But, it turns out that change can be the hardest task in life. However, when people tweak their lives in a few ways, they find they CAN achieve their goals and become the person they want to become.
Highlights Read more »
7 tips you can apply now to feel more confident

You see people achieve extraordinary things all the time. They are the people who easily take on projects - no matter what the size. They just do the projects, without fighting huge self-confidence issues.
Not all of us intrinsically have this sense of strong self-confidence, though. But, there are steps you can take now to build your confidence.
Key Takeaways