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How Hypnosis Is Far From Fake Magic


Do not laugh when someone mentions hypnosis and its benefits. The truth is, hypnosis isn't magic, it isn't evil, and it isn't fake. The results speak for themselves, and many people have in fact benefited with the use of hypnosis when performed properly.

Key Takeaways:

I tried hypnosis to help me get healthy — here’s what happened


Can hypnosis improve your commitment to dieting and exercising? Many people are willing to try anything it takes to lose weight and exercise, including the author, who gives you an inside glimpse into the hypnosis experience. You'll learn the truth from one man's eyes in this story, making it easier to learn if you want to try hypnosis for yourself.

Key Takeaways:

Wishing you 'prosperity of mind' this year


Hypnosis helps you tap into your mind and discover confidence, peace of mind and a sense of abundance. This is why Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus use hypnosis to help them "get in the zone", and celebrities like Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis use hypnosis to find confidence and boost creativity. Although you can't just "think yourself rich", hypnosis allows you to feel a sense of confidence that will help you move on and accomplish your goals.

Key Takeaways:

Why a Lack of Sleep Makes Us Depressed … And What We Can Do About It


Recent data has shown that depression can be caused by lack of sleep and not the other way around. The amygdala in the brain, a structure that controls emotions, has been shown to be more responsive when subjects lack sleep and are given negative images, indicating that people who are sleep-deprived are less able to control their emotions. People with insomnia and depression can cure both by trying to keep consistent wake times and other tools to improve sleep.

Key Takeaways:

Lifting The Curtain Of Hypnosis – The Reality Of Hypnosis vs The Myths


Hypnosis is often perceived as something that it is not. People tend to think it's a form of mind control, believing you can be unaware of what you are doing or may do things against your will. In reality, hypnosis is a form of relaxation we all experience everyday. Daydreaming, loss of time watching tv and other such events are forms of hypnosis. When you experience hypnosis therapy, you are simply relaxed enough to have an open mind to therapeutic suggestions. It's a safe and natural therapy method.

Key Takeaways:

Clinical hypnosis: A sure fire way to quit smoking for good


Almost all smokers have quit smoking at sometime in their life for days, weeks, months – or even years, only to start smoking again. In fact, 95% of the smokers who stop end up smoking again. So, there is a whole industry set up to help you stop smoking.  And, one technique that has been proven effective is hypnosis - as long as you combine hypnosis with a real desire to stop smoking.

Key Takeaways:

How Does Hypnosis Help You Lose Weight?


Major stars are turning to hypnosis. For example, Matt Damon quit smoking through the aid of hypnosis and Reese Witherspoon uses hypnosis before taking on tough acting roles. And now, Fergie uses hypnosis to help control her bad eating habits. How does hypnosis work in dieting?

Key Takeaways:

I Tried Hypnosis to Change My Terrible Eating Habits


Can you relate to eating habits that include stuffing yourself one day, then starving yourself the next day, only to gain weight in the end? You know what to do: eat better and less, but your willpower fails. Could hypnosis change your attitudes and therefore, increase your diet success? The author of the attached article found that it wasn't willpower she needed, it was changing her attitudes.

Key Takeaways:

Using 'Willpower' to Lose Weight Will Doom You to Failure


One of the most common comments about why someone doesn’t reach their weight goals or stick to their diet is that they lack willpower. However, this is very misleading and incorrect. Willpower is not something someone should rely on to lose weight. They should not develop the mindset that they need to have the willpower to eat less or starve themselves to lose weight. Instead, they need to reevaluate their relationship with food and find ways to reset their thinking about food.

Key Takeaways:

Obese mum sheds five stone and three dress sizes by using hypnosis to beat addiction to crisps


Sharon Gill says "it was a matter of mind over matter." This nurse from Drimnagh, Ireland is talking about the 9 stone (126 pounds) she was able to lose through eating behavior hypnosis taken at the D4 Clinic. Sharon was inspired to do something new and drastic to change her life after looking at holiday pictures of herself. She had a friend who had experienced an amazing turnaround using the D4 Clinic, and she determined to try something there after many other types of techniques had failed to work.

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