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Online Hypnosis Blog

The Surprising Way Hypnosis Changed My Approach to Health and Fitness


Quite often, it is that nagging mental chatter that sabotages peoples' diet and exercise programs. For example, the author of this article literally dreamed about cookies not letting her alone until she ate them all.

She then realized that she had to stop the continual mental chatter that told her that it was 'okay' to eat cookies and skip workouts. So, she went to a hypnotist - and found the experience surprisingly different than what she expected hypnosis to be. Read more »

7 tips you can apply now to feel more confident


You see people achieve extraordinary things all the time. They are the people who easily take on projects - no matter what the size. They just do the projects, without fighting huge self-confidence issues. 

Not all of us intrinsically have this sense of strong self-confidence, though. But, there are steps you can take now to build your confidence.

Key Takeaways

Manifest What You Want


There are three steps to manifesting anything that you want with the power of your mind. First, you must focus on the clear end result you want to attract. Second, move in the general direction of your dream by focusing on it and taking daily action. Third, trust that the Universe is giving you guidance and moving you closer every day to your dream. Remind yourself daily of your goal by writing it down on a piece of paper and looking at it every day.

Key Takeaways:

How to perform with confidence


Performance anxiety, or stage fright, affects many people in different areas of their lives. Some feel they can't speak in public. Some feel they can't do well at work if others are watching. And some feel they can't take exams, compete in sports, or pursue relationships. This makes it tough to achieve goals and have a full, rich life. But there are steps people can take to feel both psychologically and mentally confident.

Key Takeaways:

How to Break Through Weight Loss Plateaus


You lost a bunch of weight, patted yourself on the back, and then - the dreaded plateau hit, where even though you dieted perfectly, you didn't lose weight, the scale was just stuck. This is the point where a large percentage of dieters give up and fall off their diets.

Key Takeaways:

Making The Most Of Your Quit Smoking Hypnosis


Many people want to quit smoking but find it difficult or even impossible because nicotine is highly addictive once you start. Being hypnotized is one thing you can try. Some swear by it. The point is making this method work for you so you can quit smoking and put yourself on the path of health.

Key Takeaways:

I Tried It: Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss


More and more people are turning to hypnosis to help them lose weight. Does it work? There is growing research that points to the fact that for most people, hypnosis can help you lose weight. And, the good news is that it is non-invasive, works well with any diet and exercise techniques you take on, and doesn't require pills or other supplements.

Key Takeaways:

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